Saturday, September 28, 2013

Rock Climbing at McGee Creek State Park in Oklahoma

I am finally getting around to posting some photos from a rock climbing trip last weekend at a little known gem called McGee Creek state park near Atoka, Oklahoma. It's only about two hours from the DFW area and we couldn't have asked for better weather. A cool front had moved through the day before, so it was nice and dry with a high temperature in the 70's.
This was a nice overhanging arête climb. It's a hard 5.10 grade below and then much easier past the lip.

We pretty much had the entire park to ourselves.

The first long sleeves day of the Fall is always reason for celebration in my books.

Found a Walking Stick!!!
View from the overlook. The crag is down below.

This 35' foot corner crack was actually the harder climb. Not much for hand holds. It was a pretty sustained 5.10 climb throughout with almost no rest spots. My feet were about ten feet off the ground at this point.

The rock in this park was good quality sandstone with lots of interesting features.

Smiths Fanvideo Mashup From Infomercials

There is something entirely satisfying about setting this Smiths song to a mashup of badly acted infomercials. I think it may have something to do with the fact that so many Smiths songs are about teenage longing and depression, which always seems so laughable to everyone EXCEPT the teenager in question. For them, no one has EVER experienced the depths of the misery they are experiencing.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

Why social media on cell phones suck

I hate social media on cell phones. I would write a diatribe here, but Louis C.K sums it up so much more concisely than I could ever say it.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Flying Eagle Point of View

Are cameras these days really that small?.. Watch this one full screen in HD.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Cleaning Up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in Just Five Years Time

A nineteen year old inventor has come up with a method that he says could clean up the great pacific garbage patch in just five years time, and at a profit.

Map of Europe: 1000 AD to present day

I had to watch it full screen a few times because the changes happen so fast.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

World's Biggest Cave in Discovered in Vietnam

I had heard about the discovery and exploration of this cave five or so years ago. It's nice to see it documented so beautifully in this National Geographic film. It kind of brings together a whole host of personal interests of mine: nature, exploration of the unknown, caving and rock climbing.

Close Up Video of Lava Flow

This is something you'll want to watch in high-definition full-screen. This type of imagery is a big influence on my artwork.